Making of a leader: book review
In his book, Making of a Leader, Dr. Clinton expands on the stages of growth that a godly leader can expect to experience. He acknowledges that leadership development is a unique process for every individual; however, there are processes of development that are similar.
He challenges the reader to focus on God and to continue a path of growth. He challenges those who have reached a plateau. He creates a strong case for mentorship and divine appointments. He clearly outlines challenges for the leader. The book was written for initial learning, but also to keep on file as a reference.Leaders go through stages of growth that help them grow in their leadership. They then step into the next stage of maturity.
Clinton challenges leaders to develop to their full potential throughout their entire life. He outlines the importance of mentorship and challenges mature leaders to take on the responsibility of mentoring younger leaders. His also challenges leaders to develop a ministry philosophy that fits their gifts and personal development, honors Biblical values, and embraces the culture. This creates a framework by which decisions are made.Dr. Clinton explains how a leader can hear the word of God, receive direction and apply it, not only to their lives, but for the people God has placed in their path. His perspective on crisis, conflict and isolation is that God has a tailor-made solution for each person. In order to receive God’s direction, the leader must immerse themselves in scripture, prayer and a community that will speak into their lives. In times of major change, God will sometimes use the double confirmation process.
This is a time when God makes His will clear by reinforcing it through more than one source. He also communicates to the leader through divine affirmation where He gives approval to a leader to give them a renewed sense of purpose to serve God.This book had a deep impact on me. It put clarity around the journey I have walked through in my own personal leadership.
There were three things that resonated with me:
1. The opportunity to accept the influence challenge is very real to me. God has given me a sphere of influence that I’m accountable to step into.
2. The negative preparation where Clinton describes how God uses a painful time in our lives to move us into the place where He wants us to be.
3. The perspective on mentoring also impacted me. It's powerful to realize that God places younger people in our lives to build into.Leadership has distinct stages that we go through and as we allow God to work in our lives throughout the growth process, we become stronger and refined. It's what leads us to being what He has called and created us to be.
Making of a Leader
Dr. J. Robert ClintonNavPress, 1988