Yes, you can fly!


In his excitement, Jayden fumbled with the strings of his cape. This small piece of fabric made him Superman! He climbed up on a stool and jumped. In that moment, both he and his mother knew the truth.  

Jayden could fly.

With renewed boldness, he pushed the stool to the table, climbed up and then he jumped. It was now proven. Jayden could fly. He continued to increase the height until he climbed a little too high and fell. At that point, Jayden faced a difficult decision.  He had decide whether he should continue to fly or whether it was time to hang up the cape.I've had that same euphoria Jayden experienced when I felt that I, too, could fly. It wasn't in a literal sense, but it was a time when everything came together and I felt life was great! Everything was within reach.

Things were working out and I could expand and try newer and bigger things. But, eventually, I, like Jayden, discovered that not every jump results in success. I fell. I hurt. I faced a choice about how I would handle that.

I had the choice to stay low, and let my wounds get the best of me or I could turn my focus to God and allow Him lift me up. But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31.  I learned a few tips about how to rise above and make it through hard times.

4 ways to soar above difficulties:

1.  Obtain an unbiased perspective

An unbiased perspective about your situation will help bring clarity to what you are facing. It's easy to lose hope when circumstances feel overwhelming and you are hurting. Things can become distorted and confusing. It's possible you feel completely alone. You may need someone to help you look at the facts. It's possible there are solutions that you cannot see. Your situation is much more or less difficult than you are aware. A third-party who is not emotionally involved may guide you to helpful insight, resources and support.

2. Get out of "the swamp"

When we allow ourselves to get into the swamp, we lose both life and vitality. Things may feel dark and dismal. We get stuck emotionally and often spiritually. It's a place where the enemy encloses you in darkness, causing you to lose hope and feel despair. It's a confusing and hurtful place. In that place, we don't think we will ever fly again. You may need help to get out of this. Talk to someone, spend time in prayer, you may even need to see your doctor if things get too low. When you are in "the swamp", the people in your life feel it. They hurt with you and they feel the darkness. They want to help you.  Let them. Help yourself by getting help. It's not a place you want to stay for very long.

3. Soar on His wings 

As you seek God for His help and then allow Him to carry you, you will be able to rise above the difficulties you are facing. The circumstances may not change, but you will find strength and hope. God knows your pain. He cares deeply. He is wanting to give you all you need to endure the pain. As you seek Him, He will give you comfort through scripture, bring you people to care for you and change the way you see the situation. Instead of utter darkness, you will be able to see some light.

4. Immerse yourself in community and prayer 

Prayer is a powerful way of giving things to God. It can take place in solitude, through writing or through a community. Seek the Holy Spirit about how you should pray. Let Him know how you feel and ask Him to help you soar. If you are low, tell Him and ask His help. He wants to walk with you through this and can do that as you pray and listen to Him. Read the Bible and seek words of comfort and direction. Your pain can be completely overwhelming and paralyzing. There are times where our "groaning is too deep for words". God knows that. There are people who want to pray for you and love you through this time. They can only do that as you share with them how they can.

You are not alone. Someone in your life cares. God cares most.

The swamp beckons.
It need not consume you.
Rise up and soar.
You can because He is with you.